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CSX and NS at Hamilton, Ohio DVD

CSX and NS at Hamilton, Ohio DVD

The Cincinnati area has many places where fans gather to watch and photograph trains. One of the best, due to shear number of trains and easy accessibility with public parking on both sides of the tracks, is the one-time heavily industrialized city of Hamilton, Ohio, twenty-five miles north of Cincinnati. The CSX main line between Cincinnati and Toledo and the Norfolk Southern line from Cincinnati to Fort Wayne join together in the center of town and then separate again north of town on the other side of the Great Miami River. NS runs on CSX for two point two miles. Just south of Butler Street in the center of Hamilton, the former Pennsylvania, now Norfolk Southern line to Cincinnati diverges from CSX. North of town NS trains leave CSX at New River junction and head northwest towards New Castle and Fort Wayne. CSX and NS have a modified directional running between Hamilton and Winton Place, north of Cincinnati with most southbounds using NS and northbounds running on CSX. Just south of downtown, CSX’s former Baltimore and Ohio line to Indianapolis known as their Indianapolis Subdivision diverges from the main. With the exception of trains on CSX’s Indianapolis Subdivision, “CSX and NS at Hamilton, Ohio” shows all of the CSX and Norfolk Southern trains through Hamilton for over twenty-four hours in May of 2013. “CSX and NS at Hamilton, Ohio” is three hours and 48 minutes in length and is a three DVD set.

Price: $46.95


  • Video Format: DVD