CN's Edmonton to Jasper Main west of Edson, AB Blu-RayCN's Edmonton to Jasper Main west of Edson, AB Blu-RayThis program shows the trains and operations on Canadian National’s transcontinental main line west of Edmonton, Alberta on their Edson Subdivision between Edson and Hinton. CN is arguably the western hemisphere’s leading railroad and usually has the lowest operating ratio of any class I railroad in the U. S. or Canada. The tonnage on this line and on the CN system has grown more than fifty percent in the last decade, by far the greatest increase of any class one railroad in North America, and CN runs some of the longest and heaviest freight trains in North America west of Edmonton. This program shows twenty-four hours of action on CN’s Edson Subdivision between a point just west of Edson and Obed, near the summit of the climb out of the McLeod River Valley at Edson. Obed Summit on the ridge between the McLeod River at Edson and the Athabasca River at Hinton is nearly as high as the summit of Yellowhead Pass through the Rockies west of Jasper and the ruling grade for the usually heavier westbounds is the same – four tenths of a percent. The sound of a thirty thousand ton train grinding its way to the top of Obed Hill is awesome. This well-engineered track is traversed by a continuously expanding number of containers out of the Ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert, and the train count continues to grow on this busy and at times congested line. At the time of our visit CN was short of power and leasing everything they could get their hands on. So come along with us as some of the longest and heaviest trains on this continent growl up the grade out of the McLeod River Valley in May of 2018 on CN’s Edmonton to Jasper Main. Two disk set. Length = 3 hours, 7 minutes. This DVD can be watched with and without narration.
Price: $42.95
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